Call 1300 520 122

STABLELINE offers free and strictly confidential mental health and wellbeing support to Racing Victoria licensed/registered participants and their immediate family members.

Participants and immediate family can call 1300 520 122 at any time to book a face-to-face, telephone or online appointment.


Acacia EAP is the provider of the STABLELINE counselling services. They provide licensed and registered participants with free access to 24/7 confidential professional services to support mental health and wellbeing. 

STABLELINE enables you to access 10 types of service, with the first four sessions free. If you are working with a psychologist and you both decide that you need more sessions, they will work to transition you onto a Mental Health Care Plan which is Medicare supported.


If it is an emergency, please dial 000
I need to talk to someone, what do I do?
Simply call 1300 520 122 where you will be greeted by Acacia EAP. From there they will talk with you about your needs and come up with a plan to help you.
What kind of issues can Acacia EAP assist me with?

Acacia EAP is staffed by psychologists who are equipped to talk to you about numerous issues which may be affecting your physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Sleeplessness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feelings of helplessness caused by drug and alcohol use
  • Gambling issues
  • Financial and legal worries
  • Relationship matters
  • Work place issues
  • and more
I have issues with people in the workplace and need some advice. Can STABLELINE help?
STABLELINE can assist you to find solutions to situations you may be having in the workplace.
Sometimes this horse racing game just takes its toll and it gets too hard. I need to speak to someone outside of my family and friends. Could I call STABLELINE?
Absolutely. Talking to someone independant and profressional may provide you with solutions.
I work crazy hours and don't really have time to attend appointments.
Acacia EAP is staffed 24/7 and will work with you to make a time that works. You can always talk over the phone at a scheduled time.
Why is it called STABLELINE when I am calling Acacia EAP?

STABLELINE is the name of our industry assistance program. Acacia EAP is the professional service provider contracted by Racing Victoria to provide the service of our participants. Acacia EAP provides the psychological services and offers the highest industry standards. They are completely independent of Racing Victoria.

You can find out more about Acacia EAP at their website:

How will my confidentiality be maintained?
Acacia EAP is the organisation that manages your care and your personal details. They are bound by strict confidentiality codes of practice.
What information will Racing Victoria get?
Acacia EAP provides Racing Victoria with a completely anonymous report on a quarterly basis that summarises usage / gender and general issues such as relationship / drug and alcohol issues / loss and grief issues etc.
Why does Racing Victoria need to know anything?
Apart from good governanace of the program, Racing Victoria will use the data to develope future assistance projects for industry personnel.
What happens if I tell my counsellor about something that broke the rules of racing?
Nothing. Acacia EAP has no responsibilities beyond helping licensed personal via the provisions of counselling services.
Is there ever a time my counsellor / psychologist can break confidentiality?
Yes. If your psychologist thinks you are at risk of harming yourself or another person, then they are required by law to inform necessary parties. Like your partner if you were at risk or the police if they feared somebody else was at risk.
So how long can I access free counselling for?
STABLELINE enables you to access the first four sessions free. If you are working with a psychologist and you both decide that you will need more sessions, then they will work to transition you onto a Mental Health Care Plan which is Medicare (government) supported psychologist sessions.