Employee Rights & Responsibilities  

In today’s workplace, every employer and employee has responsibilities to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of anyone in a workplace, remembering that a workplace is ‘... anywhere work is performed’. It is not just employees who are covered by the legislation. 

A workplace must also care about on-site contractors and sub-contractors, visitors and volunteers. When everyone takes safety seriously and work together workplace injury and harm can be reduced. 

This information aims to provide clarity around the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers to ensure workplace health and safety (WHS) stays at the forefront of how we work.

  • What are my OH&S rights as an employee?

  • If I see something that is not safe?

  • What are my OH&S responsibilities?

  • Where do I obtain workplace policies?

  • Who are the reporting authorities?

  • What are my employers OH&S responsibilities?