Having access to the right services at the right time can boost the health and wellbeing of individuals and their families. A range of independent counselling and related services are outlined below. You can be confident that due to this independence your discussions will be confidential and no personal information will be passed on.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Preventing alcohol and other drug harms in Australia through information and facts
Phone: 1300 85 85 84
Website: www.adf.org.au
Kirra Fitzgerald 0437 695 768 Participant Wellbeing Manager k.fitzgerald@racingvictoria.net.au
Kirra grew up on the Darling Downs in Queensland on a small thoroughbred stud. She was fortunate enough to be involved in all areas of reproduction, foaling and the handling and preparation of yearlings for the annual Magic Millions Yearling Sale on the Gold Coast. She has also been involved in the racing industry from an owner’s perspective as well as holding her strappers licence for a duration of time. During this time Kirra was also attending university, studying in the field of Psychology. She holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is a registered General psychologist.
Telephone: 1800 015 188 Family Violence Response Centre that provides a support network for those experiencing abuse. They focus on women and young people making sure they are able to live free from abuse with an ultimate goal to eliminate family violence.
Racing Victoria does not provide an emergency or instant response service. If you are feeling suicidal or in a crisis please seek help immediately.
If you are in Australia please call:
Focus on counselling to support and advice individuals or loved ones suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD/trauma and those at risk of suicide.
Free Community forums – operate on-line through a log-in Telephone: 1300 224 636 Website: www.beyondblue.org.au
Relationships Australia
Providing counselling, family dispute resolution, family violence prevention services, rural and remote services, problem gambling and education programs.
Telephone: 1300 364 277 Website: www.relationships.org.au
Telephone: 1300 520 122 Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Stableline Focus on improving the health and wellbeing of licenced and registered participants and their families, in the Racing Industry in Victoria.
Telephone: 1300 520 122
Website: www.stableline.com.au