Biosecurity Alert - Fiber Fresh Products

Racing Victoria Staff

Racing Victoria (RV) has been advised by Hygain, the Australian distributor of New Zealand manufactured Fiber Fresh products, of isolated instances of animal contaminants in three batches of the ‘FibreProtect’ product.

On the direction of the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the Department) all Fiber Fresh products you hold must stop being used, secured and appropriately labelled “Biosecurity Directions Pending – Not for Further Movement”.

The Department are contacting Hygain retailers with further instructions on the recall of Fiber Fresh products. If you have any Fiber Fresh products you should contact your local retailer to organise the return of all opened and unopened Fiber Fresh products.

Click here to view the latest Biosecurity Alert from Fiber Fresh. You can also access their product recall notice here.

Fiber Fresh Australia are also providing regular updates on the product recall via their Facebook Page.

Should you have any questions, please contact Hygain on 03 5943 2255 or via

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