OOCT regime - Substances for OOCT

Racing Victoria Staff

Updated: 1 August 2022
Issued: November 2016


Schedule 1, Part 1 (Substances Prohibited at all times), Division 1 Prohibited List A of the Rules of Racing is the list of specified substances and categories of substances for the purposes of the out-of-competition testing rule AR 242.

The list is periodically updated to include new substances and classes of substances that are identified by Racing Australia as risks to the integrity of racing and or to the welfare of horses.

The updated Schedule 1 Part 1 Division 1 Prohibited List A contains three additional classes of substances and a change in order to a more logical progression. Racing Australia considers the substances specified in Schedule 1 Part 1 Division 1 Prohibited List A have no place in the treatment of racehorses and their use is a risk to the integrity of racing and the welfare of horses.

The three new categories of substances in the re-ordered list Schedule 1, Part 1, Division 1 Prohibited List A are:

7. Haematopoietic growth factors, including but not limited to filgrastim.

12. Corticotrophins, including adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and tetracosactrin (tetracosactide) and corticotrophin releasing factors.

23. Zoledronic acid and any other bisphosphonate drugs not registered for veterinary use in Australia.

According to AR 250 any person who has in his possession any substance or preparation that could give rise to an offence under Schedule 1, Part 1, Division 1 (Prohibited List A) if administered to a horse at any time shall be guilty of an offence and may be penalised.

Please direct any queries to the Racing Victoria Veterinary Services on email: veterinaryadmin@racingvictoria.net.au.

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