RV Stewards' Report - Michael Poy, Lewis German, Noah Brash and Alysha Vass

Racing Victoria Staff

Racing Victoria (RV) Stewards have today issued charges under the Australian Rules of Racing (AR) against former Victorian licensed jockeys, Michael Poy and Lewis German, registered owner/professional punter Noah Brash and registered owner Alysha Vass.

The charges relate to a Stewards' investigation into conduct and wagering concerns on thoroughbred races within Victoria involving Mr Poy, Mr German and Mr Brash.

Since August 2022, RV Stewards, with the assistance of RV’s Betting Intelligence Unit, have conducted a comprehensive investigation, which has included interviewing numerous individuals and analysing a wide range of materials.

The details of each charge and a summary of the particulars are outlined as follows.

Michael Poy 

Charges 1 and 2: AR 229(1)(h); made a false or misleading statement or declaration in relation to a matter in connection with the administration or control of racing by submitting a Jockey Licence Renewal Application on 5 August 2021 and 1 July 2022 and failing to declare, as required by the terms and conditions of that Application, betting accounts held in his name and that he had engaged a Form Analyst.

Charges 3 & 4: AR 115(1)(e); bet, had an interest in a bet, or alternatively facilitated a bet on a thoroughbred race in which he was riding on 7 August 2022.

Charge 5: AR 115(1)(c); bet, had an interest in a bet, or alternatively facilitated a bet on a thoroughbred race on 7 August 2022 in which he did not ride.

Charge 6: AR 229(1)(a); engaged in an action or practice in connection with racing on 7 August 2022 which was dishonest, corrupt and/or improper. 

Charge 7: AR 115(1)(e) (alternative to Charge 6); bet, had an interest in a bet, or alternatively facilitated a bet on a thoroughbred race in which he was riding on 7 August 2022.

Charges 8 to 16: AR 115(1)(c); bet, had an interest in a bet, or alternatively facilitated a bet on a thoroughbred race on 14 August 2022 in which he did not ride.

Charge 17: AR 229(1)(c); between 1 April 2022 and 31 August 2022, Mr Poy approached and corruptly offered money to a rider (who is not the subject of any charges), to ride a horse, other than in accordance with the merits of the horse.

Charge 18: AR 229(1)(a); between 21 April 2022 and 31 August 2022, Mr Poy engaged in dishonest, corrupt, improper and/or dishonourable actions in connection with racing, in that he provided information to Mr Brash on races in which he was participating, in the knowledge or belief that Mr Brash would place a bet or bets accordingly, and that, as a result of that information, Mr Brash did bet according to instruction and that, where necessary, Mr Poy rode such horses in a manner to ensure that the bets would be successful.

Charge 19: AR 228(a); between 21 April 2022 and 31 August 2022, Mr Poy engaged in conduct prejudicial to the image, interests, integrity, or welfare of racing, in that he provided information to Mr Brash on races in which he was participating, in the knowledge or belief that Mr Brash would place a bet or bets accordingly, and that, as a result of that information, Mr Brash did bet according to instruction.

Lewis German

Charge 1: AR 230 (1)(a) or (b); between 5 March 2022 and 12 March 2022, Mr German did not discharge his duty to provide information to the Stewards having been directly or indirectly approached and/or requested by a relevant person to engage in conduct which could constitute a breach of AR230. 

Charge 2: AR 229(1)(h); made a false or misleading statement or declaration in relation to a matter in connection with the administration or control of racing by submitting a Jockey Licence Renewal Application on 1 July 2022 and failing to declare, as required by the terms and conditions of that Application, betting accounts held in his name.

Charge 3: AR 229(1)(a): between 21 April 2022 and 31 August 2022, Mr German engaged in corrupt or improper conduct in that he provided information to Mr Brash on races in which he was participating, in the knowledge or belief that Mr Brash would place a bet or bets accordingly, and that, as a result of that information, Mr Brash did bet according to instruction and that, where necessary, Mr German rode such horses in a manner to ensure that the bets would be successful.

Charge 4: AR 228(a); between 21 April 2022 and 31 August 2022, Mr German engaged in conduct prejudicial to the image, interests, integrity, or welfare of racing, in that he provided information to Mr Brash on races in which he was participating, in the knowledge or belief that Mr Brash would place a bet or bets accordingly, and that, as a result of that information, Mr Brash did bet according to instruction.

Noah Brash

Charges 1 to 5: AR 236; Mr Brash did bet with or for Mr Poy, contrary to AR 236, on thoroughbred races on 7 and 14 August 2022.

Charge 6: AR 232(h); Mr Brash failed to comply with a Direction of the Stewards issued on 6 February 2024.   

Alysha Vass

Charge 1: AR 232(h); Ms Vass failed to comply with a Direction of the Stewards issued on 9 February 2024.


The charges issued against Mr Poy, Mr German, Mr Brash and Ms Vass will be heard before the Victorian Racing Tribunal on a date to be fixed.

Relevant Rules of Racing 

Following are the Rules relevant to the charges listed within this Stewards Report:

AR 115 Jockey and apprentice jockey misconduct  
(1) A jockey or apprentice jockey must not:  
(c) bet, or have any interest in a bet, or facilitate a bet, on any thoroughbred race or contingency relating to thoroughbred racing in any jurisdiction anywhere in the world;  

(e) bet, or have any interest in a bet, or facilitate a bet, on any thoroughbred race or contingency relating to thoroughbred racing involving a race in which he or she is riding in any jurisdiction anywhere in the world. 

AR 228 Conduct detrimental to the interests of racing
A person must not engage in:
(a) conduct prejudicial to the image, interests, integrity, or welfare of racing, whether or not that conduct takes place within a racecourse or elsewhere. 

AR 229 Corruption, dishonesty and misleading behaviour 
(1) A person must not:

(a) engage in any dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent, improper, or dishonourable action or practice in connection with racing; 

(c) corruptly give or offer any money, share in a bet, or other benefit to a person having official duties in relation to racing, or to an owner, nominator, trainer, rider, or person having charge of or access to a horse;

(h) make a false or misleading statement or declaration in relation to a matter in connection with the administration or control of racing;

AR 230 Duty to provide information in relation to corrupt etc conduct 
(1)    A person who is directly or indirectly approached or requested to engage in conduct which could constitute: 
(a) corrupt, dishonest, fraudulent, or improper conduct in connection with racing; or 
(b) conduct which is detrimental to the image, interests, integrity, or welfare of racing; or 

must provide full details of the approach or request to the Stewards as soon as is practicable. 

AR 232 Failure to observe processes and directions of PRAs or Stewards  
A person must not:
(h) refuse or fail to attend or give evidence at an interview, investigation, inquiry, hearing, or appeal when directed or requested to do so by a PRA, the Stewards or a person authorised by a PRA or the Stewards;  

AR 236 Betting with or for a jockey 
A person must not bet with or for a jockey or apprentice jockey, or give or offer a rider any pecuniary or other gift or consideration, contrary to these Australian Rules. 

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