Raceday Track Inspection Policy  

Racing Victoria and the Victorian Jockeys' Association (VJA) have agreed Stewards and jockeys will refer to the following Raceday Track Safety Inspection Involving Jockeys Policy in the event of a track inspection being required on raceday. 

If, at any stage on raceday prior to the first race or during the race meeting, the Stewards and/or jockeys express concerns regarding the condition of the track, the Stewards and jockeys will initially discuss those concerns in the Stewards’ room. 

If, following that discussion, it is considered necessary by the Stewards, the Stewards, the Track Manager, the Club CEO and all jockeys or delegation of jockeys who are engaged to ride in the first (or the next race) will inspect the track at the area(s) of concern. Jockeys who are also VJA Directors will be invited to inspect the area(s) of concern (irrespective of whether those jockeys are riding in the upcoming race). 

No other jockeys are able to enter upon the course-proper during this time and until a decision has been made in respect of the continuation of the race meeting. 

For the duration of the track inspection, all Jockeys will be under the strict control of the Stewards and must comply with any directions of the Stewards. 

Following the track inspection, the Stewards, the delegation of jockeys, and the Track Manager will discuss carrying out any remedial work which may address the concerns surrounding the affected area. 

If remedial work is considered possible, the Track Manager will be instructed by the Stewards to carry out that work. If remedial work is carried out, the site will be further inspected as per above.

Note: If there is any concern regarding track condition prior to a race meeting the Track Manager must contact the Chairman of Stewards panel Chairperson for the meeting and the RV Tracks & Facilities Manager as soon as possible. The contact information is contained in this document. 

All of the above conditions apply to any RV organised trials. 

Training for club staff in revised penetrometer operation can be arranged by RV, if required.

Raceday Track Safety Inspection Involving Jockeys Policy