Equine Welfare Strategic Plan  

Racing Victoria’s Equine Welfare Strategic Plan (EWSP) sets the agenda for the Victorian racing industry's primary focus on the horses and industry practices to ensure their welfare is protected through to 2027 and beyond.

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The EWSP builds on the 2019 strategy, incorporating feedback from RV’s Equine Welfare Advisory Council, racing participants, owners, retrainers, animal welfare groups and horse sports associations through the period.

For the five year period, RV will prioritise seven focus areas. This includes three themes which continue from the 2019 EWSP:

1. Life After Racing

2. Injury Prevention

3. Traceability

And four new priorities:

4. Physical Welfare

5. Behavioural Welfare

6. Vulnerable Thoroughbreds

7. Breeding Welfare

The Victorian thoroughbred racing industry continues to contribute 2% of prizemoney to equine welfare to support these focus areas.