Disputes Services  

An important role within Racing Victoria’s Integrity Services Department is to receive, collate, assess, and process integrity-related disputes and complaints in an efficient manner.

Such matters may relate to: 

  1. the alleged or apparent contravention of the Rules of Racing of Racing Victoria; and/or 

  2. the integrity of the thoroughbred racing industry in Victoria. 

If you have an integrity-related complaint, or seek the assistance of Racing Victoria to settle a dispute, you are required to complete and submit the online Report a Concern Form.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does Racing Victoria assess the lodgement of your dispute or complaint?

  • How do you lodge a complaint or dispute for the review of Racing Victoria?

  • What is the difference between mediation and conciliation?

  • Who is the Training Disputes Tribunal?

  • How do I contact the Training Disputes Tribunal?

  • What about decisions that Racing Victoria believes don't require further action?

  • What if I want to take further action?

  • Can I view historical decisions?

  • Is there a disclaimer I should know about?